Sunday, March 25, 2012

B&W / W&B

This is my handmade collar! It was just unremarkable white shirt.:) I made the photo in my fv B&W style.

Tony Stone:

In this post I decided to tell you about my favourite bloggers Tony Stone and Adeline Rapon and B&W photos. 

Adeline and Tony's blog is called Wolves and Bucks(W&B). I love 'em very much cause they are my inspiration and everything they did is my inspiration. Their style is perfect, smth dark, french and artfull. They've got their own style and it makes them special. Also they like Black&White photography, so do I. Here is their blog

As for B&W photos I love it very much. It has a soul. Yeas, soul, sometimes it's seems like it's alive. For me B&W photos are more attractive and kinda talking. 

P.S. Soon will be new look with shirt! Also I want to say thank you very much to Olga for the beautifull picture for my header that she draw. It is wonderfull! You are good artist! And thanks to Varvara for help :)


Thank you for your lovely comments ^_^

my look ^_^